With Eyes of Faith

By Deacon John DeGano

 Wintry weather has arrived. 

 I know this because the days are getting shorter, the weather a bit nippier, and the glow of Christmas lights entices me to spend less time scurrying ‘out and about’ and more time ‘nesting.’

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By Deacon John DeGano

 I have always tried to be pastoral in my dealings with others. 

 Since early in my teens I have invited the missionaries at my door to come in, have something to drink and talk with me about God. 

 I have patiently listened to my fellow angst-driven teens pour out their problems to me on school nights and have dispensed wisdom to them in return. 

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By Deacon John DeGano

 I have been talking about taking a day away from the office for close to a year, but something (and/or someone) always came up. 

 At our annual diaconate retreat we were challenged to find Sabbath rest in our weekly lives. A day or even a moment when we were at peace, quietly reflecting on our lives before God and just being.

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By Deacon John DeGano

 I hate to break it to you… Summer’s over and its time for English teachers to begin their writing assignments with the dreaded 500-word essay, “What I did last summer.” (A true buzz-kill to any fond memory of laziness and contentment).

 The ominous signs and portends were there last month when the faculty at Notre Dame High School began returning to the parking lot we share in order to set up their rooms, have meetings, etc. 

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By Deacon John DeGano

 Summer time. We know it by the rise in temperature during the day and the slowness of cooling off in the evening. People vacation. Hang out at the beach. Or just make use of the air conditioning at the Mall, the movie theatre or the library. Even ‘cool centers’ are set up to provide comfort to the local senior citizens during the hot spells that can occur in southern California between June and October.

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