Bishop Rojas joins Redlands parish’s Marian Pilgrimage
Bishop Alberto Rojas joined The Holy Name of Jesus Parish’s Marian Pilgrimage led by Father Erik Esparza, pastor, in late October. The group of 39 visited Fatima, Portugal and Lourdes, France along with several holy sites in Spain.
FAR LEFT: The pilgrims visited the City of Santarém on the way to Fatima. This is the site of a Eucharistic miracle at the Sanctuary of the Holy Miracle. Blessed Carlo Acutis visited this holy site during his life, as seen in the photo. Bishop Rojas and the pilgrims took a photo in the same location. TOP RIGHT: The pilgrims celebrated Mass at St. Mary Major Cathedral in Lisbon, Portugal. BOTTOM RIGHT: Bishop Rojas celebrated Mass at the National Shrine Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes in France.

The 2022 pilgrimage was intended to be a part of Bishop Rojas’ silver jubilee year celebrating 25 years of priesthood, but ultimately, he had to remain at home while the pilgrims embarked on their journey. LEFT: Pilgrims at the Metropolitan Cathedral during the 2022 pilgrimage. TOP RIGHT: Pilgrims praying the Rosary outside the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe (2022). BOTTOM RIGHT: Fr. Erik Esparza and Fr. Mark Kotlarczyk celebrate Mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral (2022).