With Eyes of Faith

By Deacon John Degano

 Most of us see ourselves as good communicators. We know what we want and we ask until we get it.

 Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States, has been called ‘the Great Communicator’ because he came across as simple, clear and sincere.

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By Deacon John Degano

 What happens in heaven, stays in heaven.

 I know it sounds like a commercial for Las Vegas and a decadent lifestyle, but no one has returned from heaven to tell us what happens there once we leave this mortal coil.

 I suppose that’s so we don’t fall into the trap of expecting something to happen and then being disappointed if it doesn’t happen just the way we thought it would.

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By Deacon John DeGano

 I’m sure most of us know where we were on New Year’s Eve. After all, we had basically two choices: We either stayed home and avoided the traffic or else we ventured out and attended one or more parties to ‘ring in the New Year.’ If not one of these, maybe we were in mid-travel either up in an airplane or driving along some interstate in order to reach our final destination.

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By Deacon John Degano

 Are you ready? Are you set?

 Do you have your track shoes on and tied?

 Easter’s coming early this year. In fact it’s the end of March. That means Easter Vigil with the baptism of new Catholics into the church, first communions and reconciliations and confirmations rounding out the season and culminating with Pentecost just 50 days after Easter – a.k.a., mid-May.

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By Deacon John DeGano

 Wintry weather has arrived. 

 I know this because the days are getting shorter, the weather a bit nippier, and the glow of Christmas lights entices me to spend less time scurrying ‘out and about’ and more time ‘nesting.’

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