
By Natalie Romano

EASTVALE—An Eastvale Catholic Church may not have a building yet but it does have a “window into heaven.”

 This so-called window is actually sacred artwork depicting the church’s namesake, St. Oscar Romero. The icon was revealed to parishioners on November 25th during a Mass celebrated by Bishop Gerald Barnes. In light of St. Oscar’s recent canonization, the Bishop came to celebrate the renaming of the parish, which currently holds Mass at an Eastvale public school.

 That day, the icon’s artist looked on as Bishop Barnes consecrated her work.

 “I think it’s one of the most beautiful things to see; the blessing and the veneration,” says Vivian Imbruglia. “I always feel somewhat emotional. My work is done.”

 Imbruglia, a parishioner of St. Peter and St. Paul in Alta Loma, has painted about 125 icons during the course of her 13-year career. Her work can be seen in churches, monasteries, and private homes.

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By Natalie Romano

 It is Riverside, November 1978.

 Banners, choirs, television cameras and thousands of revelers pack Raincross Square to celebrate the Ordination of the first Bishop of San Bernardino. Among the crowd is local parishioner and businessman Joseph Bonadiman.

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By Deacon Ed Clark

RANCHO CUCAMONGA—From the Low Desert to the West End, from Hemet to the High Desert, traveling through Riverside and San Bernardino maybe no Solemnity touches more of the Diocesan parishes and religious communities than the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. 

  The celebration this year, on June 8, may have been felt strongest in the parish community of Sacred Heart, Rancho Cucamonga.

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By Father Luis Guido

 I thank God for the opportunity to write a new book, “Semillas de Vida (Seeds of Life).” This is a book of poetry, like my two previous ones, “Amar con Sabiduria es Saber Volar (Love with Wisdom is Knowing to Fly)” and “Eco y Palabra del Pensamiento (Echo and Word of the Thought).”

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By Natalie Romano

ALTA LOMA—While you’re nestled in bed next Saturday morning thinking about coffee, parishioners of St. Peter and Paul in Alta Loma are lacing up their sneakers and thinking about prayer.

 These dedicated “Rosary Runners”

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koc_logoMURRIETA—An ultrasound shows a fetus in the womb with its heart beating. Studies have shown that 80 percent of women who observe this refuse to get an abortion. Since the Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, over 60 million fetuses have been aborted in the United States.

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